Five Youth from Wellingborough Church Commit Their Lives to Christ

Feb 1, 2023, 9:43 PMWellingborough Communication Dept.

Five Youth from Wellingborough Church Commit Their Lives to Christ

The Wellingborough Seventh-day Adventist church started 2023 on a high note witnessing young five lives give themselves to God through baptism on the first Sabbath of the year on 7 January 2023.

At the Kettering Adventist church in Northamptonshire, where the baptism took place, it was a unique and Spirit-filled Sabbath as five priceless young souls were baptised in front of friends and relatives. These five candidates – Raina Elise Abacan, Rhys Erville Abacan, Lani Mokeira Bwamosa, Lenny Barongo Bwamosa, and Joshua Tavonga Nganunu – decided to embrace Christ wholeheartedly after a period of Bible studies.

In his stirring sermon, Pastor Paul Dhanaraj, the district pastor, encouraged the congregation to spread the gospel and win souls for Christ. When he baptised the candidates, Dhanaraj remarked, "Two years ago, we never dreamed of a church opening, but today, we stand with five youths who have given their lives to Christ and thanks to the elders and the church family for their service."

Church members welcomed the newly baptised into fellowship and presented each with gifts after the baptismal service.

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